Church Membership establishes our calling to one another to build each other up in love so that the entire church grows in spiritual maturity. Our model of church membership comes from the examples we see from churches in the New Testament, and it is expressed through our member covenant.
Children grow at Forestdale Church through the Children’s Ministry on Sundays which engages children from Pre-K through Junior High through interactive, hands-on-learning about God. These classes are taught by exceptional and experienced teachers who love kids and teach to serve because they love Jesus! Spiritual disciplines such as prayer, reading the Bible, offering, scripture memorization and personal devotions are incorporated into each week’s lesson.
Our Library & Bookstore is available for people of all ages. You can view our online bookstore with books recommended by our Pastor. The church does not receive any proceeds from the sales. They go directly to the Christian book company 10ofThose. On site at Forestdale Church, you can visit our library to check out books, movies, and music. We have over 700 items to choose from for both adults and children.