Member Covenant

Our Member Covenant not only expresses a new member’s commitment toward the congregation, but the congregation’s commitment toward a new member.

I agree to become a member of Forestdale Church based on the completion of or agreement with the following: 


  • I have participated in and I am in agreement with the biblical understanding of church membership as outlined in the class(es) required for membership. 
  • I am in agreement with the Forestdale Church “Statement of Faith” and have accepted God’s free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ alone and have followed up that decision by being baptized. 
  • I am in agreement with the principle of Elder leadership practiced by Forestdale Church and I willingly submit to the spiritual leadership of the Elders.


  • Spiritual Health: I am living a life free of unrepentant persistence in sin that would serve to break fellowship and tarnish the reputation of Forestdale Church and the gospel of God’s salvation.
  • Church Unity: I will promote the unity of spirit at Forestdale Church by avoiding gossip, building others up, and applying the principles of reconciliation found in Mathew 18:15 – 17 when relational difficulties arise.
  • Generous Living: I agree that becoming a member of Forestdale Church means that I will use my spiritual gifts to serve the body as well as my material gifts to share with the body.

  • Should God ever call me elsewhere, I agree to inform the Elders in advance and will do my utmost to transition out with honor and integrity.