Library & Bookstore
We believe reading is an important discipline today as it slows us down from the busyness of life and social media. You can view our online bookstore with books recommended by our Pastor here or by clicking the photo below. The church does not receive any proceeds from the sales. They go directly to the Christian book company 10ofThose.They offer the lowest prices you will find anywhere, and all shipping costs are only $1 no matter the size of the order.
On site at Forestdale Church, we have a table in the lobby with free resources you can take. On the second floor, you can visit our library to check out books, movies, and music. We have over 700 items to choose from for both adults and children. Our adult non-fiction books are arranged by category to help you find what might be of interest to you – categories such as Christian Living, Marriage and Family, Devotions, Biblical Studies and more. We have a broad range of biographies and engaging collection of fiction books to round out the adult book selection.
In our children’s section we have a fair collection of fiction books for upper elementary and middle school-aged youngsters. For the younger children, we have a small collection of books, as well as a variety of Veggie Tales DVD’s, sing-along Bible songs on CD’s, and a series of books for parents to read with their children.
The library is open every Sunday before and after our Worship Service. We encourage you to stop by to browse and check our library resources. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Linda Stapp, the Church Librarian.